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Children and Youth Ministries

Contact: Jackie Tow

Here at Rocky Ridge, our children and youth ministries exist to support them in finding joy and growth in their relationship with God. This ministry helps support parents in bringing their children and youth up in the faith.

Worship Ministry

Contact: Alice Butler

Our worship ministry here at Rocky Ridge exists to assist people in their expression of their devotion to God by providing sacred space. We have a praise band and seasonal choir which leads worship services. 

Cumberland Presbyterian Women

Contact: Susan Baggett

At Rocky Ridge, CPW exists to encourage the growth of women's faith and to provide opportunities for outreach in the community.

Young Adult Small Group

Our Young Adult Small Group meets once a week. We exist to support young adults just out of college through young married life into child-rearing school-age children. While we study God's word together, we focus on relationship-building with one another and with God. Childcare is provided.

Rocky Ridge Rejoicers

Contact: Becky Boyd

Coming together in a community is one part of Rocky Ridge that is a core foundation of our church. Through Rocky Ridge Rejoicers, we strive to provide support and friendship to women of the congregation through monthly social gatherings. 

Graceful Cuts

Contact: Anna Hanks (Licensed Cosmetologist)

Our Graceful Cuts ministry exists to minister to people in their personal hygiene by cutting people's hair in the congregation and out in the community, beyond the walls of Rocky Ridge. Once a month people are invited into the church to get their hair cut for a donation. It is free for those who cannot pay.

Rocky Ridge Community Garden

Our Rocky Ridge Community Garden exists to serve the needy in the community by providing free fresh produce. The church will take produce boxes to the needy and invite people to come and harvest what they need. 

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